La pelle Ambassador® X Coated presenta un attacco migliorato con toni medi più ampi e una maggiore durata.Fornisce toni medi più ampiPellicola patinata da 12 mil a 1 stratoPiù popolare per Tom e RullantiLa stessa pellicola dell'Ambassador Coated ma più spessa del 20%.REMO AMBASSADOR X14 COATED 13″
The Ambassador® X 14 Coated drumhead features enhanced attack with wider midrange tones, natural controlled sustain and increased durability. Constructed with 1-ply 14-mil coated film, Ambassador® X 14 Coated heads provide a unique feel for enhanced stick rebound.REMO AMBASSADOR X COATED 14″
The Ambassador® X Coated drumhead features enhanced attack with wider midrange tones and increased durability. Constructed with 1-ply 12-mil coated film, Ambassador® X Coated heads provide a unique feel for enhanced stick rebound.REMO AMBASSADOR X COATED 16″
The Ambassador® X Coated drumhead features enhanced attack with wider midrange tones and increased durability. Constructed with 1-ply 12-mil coated film, Ambassador® X Coated heads provide a unique feel for enhanced stick rebound.REMO AMBASSADOR WHITE SUEDE 10”
The Ambassador® White Suede? features Remo's proprietary texturing process that produces warm, open resonant tones for Toms and Snare drums. Constructed with 1-ply of 10-mil treated White Suede? film, Ambassador® White Suede? drumheads provide a warm attack and soft feel. Remo's proprietary texturing process producesREMO AMBASSADOR WHITE SUEDE 12”
The Ambassador® White Suede? features Remo's proprietary texturing process that produces warm, open resonant tones for Toms and Snare drums. Constructed with 1-ply of 10-mil treated White Suede? film, Ambassador® White Suede? drumheads provide a warm attack and soft feel. Remo's proprietary texturing process producesREMO AMBASSADOR SUEDE 14”
Tle pelli Ambassador® Suede® sono dotate del processo di testurizzazione proprietario di Remo che produce toni risonanti caldi e aperti per tom e rullanti. Costruite con un film Suede® testurizzato da 10 mil, le pelli Ambassador® Suede® producono un incrocio tra la luminosità e la risonanza di Clear e il calore dREMO AMBASSADOR WHITE SUEDE 16”
The Ambassador® White Suede? features Remo's proprietary texturing process that produces warm, open resonant tones for Toms and Snare drums. Constructed with 1-ply of 10-mil treated White Suede? film, Ambassador® White Suede? drumheads provide a warm attack and soft feel. Remo's proprietary texturing process producesYAMAHA PA 130 ALIMENTATORE
The Emperor® Coated drumheads features warm, open tones with increased durability and projection. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film, Emperor® Coated drumheads provide a soft feel and subtle attack for studio and live applications.REMO EMPEROR BASS 16” COATED SMOOTH WHITE
The Emperor® Coated drumheads features warm, open tones with increased durability and projection. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film, Emperor® Coated drumheads provide a soft feel and subtle attack for studio and live applications.REMO EMPEROR BASS 18” COATED
The Emperor® Coated drumheads features warm, open tones with increased durability and projection. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film, Emperor® Coated drumheads provide a soft feel and subtle attack for studio and live applications.REMO EMPEROR BASS 20” COATED
The Emperor® Coated drumheads features warm, open tones with increased durability and projection. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film, Emperor® Coated drumheads provide a soft feel and subtle attack for studio and live applications.REMO EMPEROR BASS 26″ CLEAR SMOOTH WHITE
The Emperor® Smooth White? drumheads feature open midrange tones with increased durability and attack. Constructed of 2-plies of 7.5-mil Smooth White? film, Emperor® Smooth White? heads are most popular for Toms and Bass drum applications.REMO DIPLOMAT 10″ SMOOTH WHITE
The Diplomat® Smooth White? features warm tones, resonance and sustain. Constructed with 1-ply of 7.5-mil Smooth White? film, Diplomat® Smooth White? drumheads provide increased midrange tone and volume. These drumheads are most popular as Tom resonant drumheads.REMO DIPLOMAT 12″ SMOOTH WHITE
The Diplomat® Smooth White? features warm tones, resonance and sustain. Constructed with 1-ply of 7.5-mil Smooth White? film, Diplomat® Smooth White? drumheads provide increased midrange tone and volume. These drumheads are most popular as Tom resonant drumheads.REMO DIPLOMAT 13″ SMOOTH WHITE
The Diplomat® Smooth White? features warm tones, resonance and sustain. Constructed with 1-ply of 7.5-mil Smooth White? film, Diplomat® Smooth White? drumheads provide increased midrange tone and volume. These drumheads are most popular as Tom resonant drumheads.REMO DIPLOMAT 14″ SMOOTH WHITE
The Diplomat® Smooth White? features warm tones, resonance and sustain. Constructed with 1-ply of 7.5-mil Smooth White? film, Diplomat® Smooth White? drumheads provide increased midrange tone and volume. These drumheads are most popular as Tom resonant drumheads.REMO AMBASSADOR 6″ WHITE SUEDE TALKING DRUM
The R-Series Suede® Talking Drum drumhead features Remo's proprietary texturing process that produces warm, open resonant tones. The R-Series Talking Drum drumhead is constructed with 1-ply 10-mil Suede® Ambassador® film and manufactured using a wide, open channel hoop adding increased durability.REMO AMBASSADOR 8″ WHITE SUEDE TALKING DRUM
The R-Series Suede® Talking Drum drumhead features Remo's proprietary texturing process that produces warm, open resonant tones. The R-Series Talking Drum drumhead is constructed with 1-ply 10-mil Suede® Ambassador® film and manufactured using a wide, open channel hoop adding increased durability.REMO EMPEROR 14″ COATED CONTROLLED SOUND
The Emperor Coated features focused mid and low tones. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated films with a 5-mil Bottom Black Dot?, Emperor Coated drumheads are the world's most durable snare drumheads which account for their popularity among many of today's hardest hitting rock drummers.REMO EMPEROR 18” COATED
The Emperor® Coated drumheads features warm, open tones with increased durability and projection. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film, Emperor® Coated drumheads provide a soft feel and subtle attack for studio and live applications.REMO AMBASSADOR 12″ COATED CLASSIC FIT
La Classic Fit Ambassador da 12" presenta un cerchio sottile un disegno a gradini per calzare su tamburi vintage realizzati prima della meta degli anni '60le pelli Classic Fit sono ideali per i vecchi tamburi vintage che sono fuori tondo con spessi rivestimenti sovrapposti.REMO AMBASSADOR 13″ COATED CLASSIC FIT
Le pelli rivestite Ambassador® Classic Fit presentano un cerchio leggermente stretto e un design a gradino per adattarsi ai tamburi sovradimensionati realizzati prima della metà degli anni '60.Fornisce un attacco brillante e un sostegno controllatoPresenta cerchi in carne leggermente stretti e design a gradino per adREMO AMBASSADOR 16″ COATED CLASSIC FIT
Le pelli Ambassador® Classic Fit sono caratterizzate da un cerchio leggermente stretto e da un design a gradino per affrontare tamburi sovradimensionati realizzati prima della metà degli anni '60. Questo ci ha dato l'ispirazione per realizzare un diametro interno più grande mantenendo un diametro esterno standard chREMO POWERSTROKE 4 10” COATED
The Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads feature controlled sustain and focused low-end tones with increased durability. Snare and Tom drumheads are constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film with a 3-mil inlay ring, and Bass drumheads are constructed with a 7.5-mil inlay ring. Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads provideREMO POWERSTROKE 4 12” COATED
The Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads feature controlled sustain and focused low-end tones with increased durability. Snare and Tom drumheads are constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film with a 3-mil inlay ring, and Bass drumheads are constructed with a 7.5-mil inlay ring. Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads provideREMO POWERSTROKE 4 13” COATED
The Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads feature controlled sustain and focused low-end tones with increased durability. Snare and Tom drumheads are constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film with a 3-mil inlay ring, and Bass drumheads are constructed with a 7.5-mil inlay ring. Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads provideREMO POWERSTROKE 4 14” COATED
The Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads feature controlled sustain and focused low-end tones with increased durability. Snare and Tom drumheads are constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Coated film with a 3-mil inlay ring, and Bass drumheads are constructed with a 7.5-mil inlay ring. Powerstroke® P4 Coated drumheads provideREMO POWERSTROKE 4 13″ CLEAR
The Powerstroke® P4 Clear drumheads feature focused low-end tones with controlled sustain, well defined attack and increased durability. Constructed with 2-plies of 7-mil Clear film with a 3-mil inlay ring, these drumheads are ideal for hard-hitting applications or where minimal sustain is desired.REMO POWERSTROKE PRO 20” COATED
The Powerstroke® Pro Coated features enhanced mid and low frequency tones. Constructed with 1-ply of 10-mil Coated film with our pressure dampening profile and permanently mounted acoustic foam. This provides maximum volume and projection, while producing controlled highs, enhanced midrange and low frequency tones.REMO POWERSTROKE PRO 20” CLEAR
The Powerstroke® Pro Coated features enhanced mid and low frequency tones. Constructed with 1-ply of 10-mil Coated film with our pressure dampening profile and permanently mounted acoustic foam. This provides maximum volume and projection, while producing controlled highs, enhanced midrange and low frequency tones.REMO SILENTSTROKE MESH 16″ BASS
Emperor® Vintage Clear drumheads feature enhanced mid and low-range frequencies with outstanding projection and maximum durability. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil Clear film, Emperor® Vintage Clear drumheads are the most durable of all Clear 2-ply drumheads in the industry.REMO VINTAGE EMPEROR 16” CLEAR
Emperor® Vintage Clear drumheads feature enhanced mid and low-range frequencies with outstanding projection and maximum durability. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil Clear film, Emperor® Vintage Clear drumheads are the most durable of all Clear 2-ply drumheads in the industry.REMO EMPEROR 14″ BLACK SUEDE BASS
The Emperor Black Suede features focused, warm tones with a soft feel and distinctive matte black look. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil treated Ebony and 7-mil Clear films, Emperor Black Suede drumheads provide a full range of frequency and warm attack. These heads are most popular for Tom and Snare drum applicatioREMO EMPEROR 16″ BLACK SUEDE BASS
The Emperor Black Suede features focused, warm tones with a soft feel and distinctive matte black look. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil treated Ebony and 7-mil Clear films, Emperor Black Suede drumheads provide a full range of frequency and warm attack. These heads are most popular for Tom and Snare drum applicatioREMO EMPEROR 18″ BLACK SUEDE BASS
The Emperor Black Suede features focused, warm tones with a soft feel and distinctive matte black look. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil treated Ebony and 7-mil Clear films, Emperor Black Suede drumheads provide a full range of frequency and warm attack. These heads are most popular for Tom and Snare drum applicatioREMO EMPEROR 20″ BLACK SUEDE BASS
The Emperor Black Suede features focused, warm tones with a soft feel and distinctive matte black look. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil treated Ebony and 7-mil Clear films, Emperor Black Suede drumheads provide a full range of frequency and warm attack. These heads are most popular for Tom and Snare drum applicatioREMO EMPEROR 22″ BLACK SUEDE BASS
The Emperor Black Suede features focused, warm tones with a soft feel and distinctive matte black look. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil treated Ebony and 7-mil Clear films, Emperor Black Suede drumheads provide a full range of frequency and warm attack. These heads are most popular for Tom and Snare drum applicatioREMO EMPEROR 20″ SUEDE BASS
The Emperor® Suede® features focused, warm tones with increased durability. Produces a sound that is a cross between the brightness of Clear and the warmth of Coated drumheads. Constructed with 2-plies of 7.5-mil textured Suede® film, Emperor® Suede® drumheads are most popular for their warmth and durability.DUNLOP ZWN10-60 WILDE
G204 - Muta banjo - 10-14-23-32 - 4 cordeDR STRINGS MUTA CHITARRA ELETTRICA 11-50
Il rivestimento K3 è il primo di cui chitarristi e bassisti abbiano detto "suonano bene come le corde non rivestite e anche meglio". Lo straordinario rivestimento K3 Technology di DR è il primo rivestimento che non si scusa e non si giustifica perchè non offre un suono come quello delle corde non rivestite. I chitarDOGAL CORDA SINGOLA PER BASSO SI-130