Very responsive, comfortable and balanced stick with acorn tip. Versatile stick. Also available in Sugar Maple, Nude Series, Eternal Black and Color Wrap.VATER CHAD SMITH’S FUNK BLASTER
Same grip as a 5B but with a beefier taper for some extra weight up top and acorn tip. Great for heavy, solid playing. Hickory.VATER COLOR WRAP 5B SILVER OPTIC
Color Wrap 5B Silver Optic Nylon Tip Drumsticks. With high demand coming from young drummers, drum lines and theater / pit drummers, Vater has developed the new Color Wrap Series. The core of the Color Wrap Series is made up of Vater's extremely popular 5A, 5B and Power 5B wood tip models.VATER EXTENDED PLAY SERIES 3A
The Vater R&D Team introduces a new innovation in drumsticks that guarantees increased durability and no breakage due to wear in the rimshot area. For the past 14 months, Vater has been working on what is now called the Extended Play? Series. The Vater Extended Play? Series is an extremely durable drumstick that has twVATER EXTENDED PLAYER NEW 5A
The Vater R&D Team introduces a new innovation in drumsticks that guarantees increased durability and no breakage due to wear in the rimshot area. For the past 14 months, Vater has been working on what is now called the Extended Play? Series. The Vater Extended Play? Series is an extremely durable drumstick that has twVATER FUSION WOOD TIPE
Between a 5A & 5B in grip with a small round tip for cymbal clarity.VATER MIKE MANGINI WICKED PISTON
Mike Mangini's new unique American Hickory design starts out at .580" (1.47cm) in the grip and increases slightly towards the middle of the stick until it reaches .620" (1.57cm) and then tapers back down to an acorn tip. Mike's reason for this design is so that the stick has a slightly added front weight for a solid, cVATER NUDE 5A WOOD TIP
Very well balanced stick. Heavier toward the tip for fast attack and response on drums. The unfinished stick leaves a comfortable sanded grip that is perfect for drummers who have problems with stick slippage due to hand sweat while performing.VATER NUDE 5B WOOD TIP
Very responsive, comfortable and balanced stick with acorn tip. Versatile stick. The unfinished stick leaves a comfortable sanded grip that is perfect for drummers who have problems with stick slippage due to hand sweat while performing.VATER SPAZZOLE VWTD
Designed in collaboration with New York based Vater Artist La Frae Olivia Sci, the Monster Brush is a versatile specialty brush that can be adjusted to provide the subtlety and swish of a brush or a "stick like" feel for a fat backbeat without a ton of volume. Features a large but comfortable grip and wavy polymer straVATER SUGAR MAPLE BLAZER
Gentle taper to a triangular shaped tip. Excellent balance for intricate playing.VATER TIMBALES 1/2 MAPLE
Sturdy neck and rounded oval style tip. Great for extra volume and attack without excess weight. Also available in Nude Series.VATER VBSW SWEEP WIRE BRUSH
VBSW "Sweep Wire Brush" Manico rivestito in gommaSetole in acciaio retraibiliVATER VCB5AN COLOR WRAP LOS ANGELES 5A BLUE SPARKLE NYLON
VCB5AN "Color Wrap Los Angeles 5A Blue Sparkle Nylon"L: 16" | 40.64cm D: 0.570" | 1.45cmVATER VCR5AW COLOR WRAP LOS ANGELES 5A RED SPARKLE WOOD
VCR5AW "Color Wrap Los Angeles 5A Red Sparkle Wood"L: 16" / 40.64cm D: 0.570" / 1.45cmVATER VCSP5BN BACC POWER SILVER OPTIC
Color Wrap 5B Silver Optic Nylon Tip Drumsticks. With high demand coming from young drummers, drum lines and theater / pit drummers, Vater has developed the new Color Wrap Series. The core of the Color Wrap Series is made up of Vater's extremely popular 5A, 5B and Power 5B wood tip models.VATER VH2BW 2B WOOD
VH2BW "2B Wood" L: 16 1/4" / 41.27cmD: 0.635" / 1.61cmVATER VH5AAW 5A ACORN
VH5AAW "5A Acorn" L: 16" / 40.64cmD: 0.570" / 1.45cmVATER VH5AW LOS ANGELES 5A WOOD
VH5AW "Los Angeles 5A Wood" L: 16" / 40.64cm D: 0.570" / 1.45cmVATER VH5BW 5B WOOD
VH5BW "5B Wood"L: 16" / 40.64cmD: 0.605" / 1.54cmVATER VH7AW MANHATTAN 7A WOOD
VH7AW "Manhattan 7A Wood"L: 16" / 40.64cmD: 0.540"/ 1.37cmVATER VHEB5AW ETERNAL BLACK LOS ANGELES 5A WOOD
VHEB5AW "Eternal Black Los Angeles 5A Wood"L: 16" / 40.64cm D: 0.570" / 1.45cmVATER VHJZRW JAZZ RIDE
VHJZRW "Jazz Ride"L: 16" / 40.64cm D: 0.575" / 1.46cmVATER VMAS ACOUSTICK
VMAS "Acoustick?"L: 16 1/8" | 40.96cm D: 0.595" | 1.51cm Fusto legno/PolimeroVATER VPFLX POLY FLEX BRUSH
VPFLX "Poly Flex Brush" Manico in Hickory sezione 5ASetole in Poly non retraibiliVATER VSTKW STICK WHIP
VSTKW "Stick Whip"L: 14" / 35.56cm D: 1.210" / 3.07cm Bacchetta Fusion in Hickory - Setole Poly fisseVATER VWHP WHIP
VWHP "Whip"Manico rivestito in gommaSetole Poly fisseVATER VWTR RETRACTABLE WIRE BRUSH
VWTR "Retractable Wire Brush"Manico rivestito in gommaSetole in acciaio retraibili tramite astaVATER VWTW WOOD HANDLE WIRE BRUSH
VWTW "Wood Handle Wire Brush" Impugnatura in Hickory 5A con rivettoSetole in acciaio non retraibiliVATER WHIP
Polybristles that pack more punch than a brush but without the volume of a drumstick.VENTAGLIO BIANCO “RIGO MUSICALE”
Lo steamroller è un overdrive molto caldo e dinamico. I due switch che selezionano una doppia circuitazione e un booster per le basse offrono al chitarrista la possibilità di spaziare da sonorità vintage a moderne.A questo si aggiunge anche una buona dose di gain, che lo rende più di un semplice overdrive.VHFCPW ”Furio Chirico’s Passional” – L: 16” 1/4 | 41.28cm D: 0.610” | 1.55cm – American Hickory
VHMBW ”Mariano Barba Leonard” – L: 16” | 40.64cm D: 0.605” | 1.54cm – American Hickory
VHVIRGW ”Virgil Donati Assault” – L: 16-3/8” | 41.59cm D: 0.625” | 1.59cm – American Hickory
Vibra 800 Natural
La Vibra 800 Natural è la chitarra classica all solid da concerto della serie "Vibra" di Eko Guitars. È realizzata con top in Abete Italiano massello 1a selezione, fasce e fondo in Palissandro Indiano massello, manico in Mogano rinforzato e tastiera in Ebano. La particolarità di questa chitarra è l'incatenatura intVIBRATO SAX ALTO IN POLICARBONATO TRASPARENTE PAD BIANCHI
Vibrato Sax sax alto A1S3 policarbonato trasparente pad bianchi.Il primo sassofono in policarbonato al mondo, uno strumento leggero, comodo, ideale per chi inizia ad avvicinarsi al sax, per chi desidera uno strumento da viaggio o per i bambini per cui sarebbe difficile sopportare il peso di uno strumento in ottone.VIBRATO SET DI PAD CHERRY PER SAX ALTO
Spazzole Vic Firth AB LW Live Wire. Le Vic Firth AB LW Live Wire sono spazzole retrattili in metallo con impugnatura in gomma. Vengono utilizzate principalmente sulla batteria e nella musica jazz, ma possono essere usate su diversi tipi di percussioni per ottenere un suono particolare. Sulla punta di ogni setola è preVIC FIRTH AC-SIH1 CUFFIA STEREO
Vic Firth Cuffia Stereo AC-SIH1 Cuffia audio isolante stereo professionale. Riduce il rumore esterno fino a 24 decibel. indicata per batteria, basso, piano, chitarra, studio.VIC FIRTH AC-SIH2 CUFFIA STEREO
Cuffie stereo di alta qualità che riducono i livelli di rumore complessivi di 25 decibel. Questa versione ridisegnata delle popolari cuffie di isolamento presenta un driver più grande per una fascia bassa più potente, medi più puliti e alti nitidi per un suono superiore. Dispone di una fascia imbottita migliorata p